Emily Belz
NCC: How to Participate

Nicole Mordecai
NCC: How to Participate
Monday, October 9, 2023
11:30 PM
Remote Meeting (See Instructions/Get Zoom Link Emailed)
Please RSVP by taking this short survey
New for this season, this special session is intended for new members or for members who have not yet participated in mini-shows, competitions, or image critiques. All members are welcome to attend, but the session is mainly intended as a tutorial for people who are unsure of how to submit images.
Members of the Newton Camera Club steering committee will demonstrate how to prepare images to submit to club events, including how to properly size the images, how to rename them, and how to upload them using our Dropbox links. We'll also discuss the Multi-Club competition and strategies for participation in that competition which is quite different from our regular competitions.
If you have other topics you would like covered in this session, please email us at info@NewtonCameraClub.org.