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2024-2025 Season Welcome

Updated: Aug 25, 2024

A new camera club season is beginning and we welcome returning members as well as new members of our community. Which leads me to the theme for this season: embracing community.

In keeping with our theme, we are planning to hold nearly all our meetings in person. Although we will continue to offer a Zoom option, we strongly encourage you to attend in person. In-person meetings facilitate community-building and allow us to connect in ways that are not possible when many people are remote. Personal growth rarely happens in a vacuum. There is so much we can learn from one another and so many ways we can support each other's photographic journey. So please try your best to attend meetings in-person and spend some time interacting with other members.

We'll begin our season with our traditional summer mini-show. This is a great opportunity for new members to introduce their work to the club and for returning members to show us recent new work.

As with past seasons, we will have four competitions in addition to the multi-club competition where we compete with three other local clubs. We have an interesting line-up of speakers, and will also repeat our two in-person physical image sharing social events which happen around the holidays and then again at the end of the season. Our three yearly print shows are once again on tap - fingers crossed that the West Newton Cinema space will still be available to us this year. And although they are not yet on the schedule, we are also planning another round of "friendly critiques" - member led photo critique sessions. You can always check the schedule for the season to see what programs are coming up.

We are extremely grateful to all of you who have volunteered your time to help organize the program and run events. As a 100% volunteer-run organization, we are always looking for more help. This season, we are in need of new competition coordinator as well as more people to help out with refreshments for in-person meetings. In addition, we are looking for someone comfortable with technology to help with website updating, Dropbox, Zoom, and the various other tools we use to run the club. Please email us at if you are interested in helping out with any of these tasks, or if you wish to be involved in any other way.

I look forward to seeing you in person at our first meeting!

Nicole Mordecai

NCC President

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