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2023-24 Season Highlights

Photo by Ed Winters from Summer Mini-Show

Our new season is shaping up quite nicely. We'll continue some of our traditional programs, like the summer mini-show, 4 competitions, 3 print shows, and an interesting variety of speakers, but we'll also see some significant changes. First, I've agreed to take on the role of club President with Marshall Goff continuing his long service to the club, now taking the role of Vice President. Bruce Horwitz will continue in his role as our treasurer, Amy Oppenheimer will continue to organize our print shows, and Jason Katz will continue as our competition coordinator. We're lucky to have Jeff Seideman taking over email communications from Bruce, Joern Hopke taking the lead on A/V for in-person meetings, and George Kooyoomjian coordinating outings. Last, but not least, we have a dynamite Programming Committee this season and a team that has volunteered to help with refreshments. We are so grateful to those who have stepped up to help!

To get a quick overview of the season, check out the Schedule on the website.

New for this Season

Our theme for this season will be photography projects. We'll begin the season with a presentation from Marshall Goff about how to pursue a photography project and we'll end the season with a showcase of completed member projects.

To help people develop their projects and generally improve their skills, this season will have a greater emphasis on image critiques. We've scheduled two external critique sessions as part of our regular schedule, and we will shortly be announcing a new series of small member-led sessions called "Friendly Critiques." These informal Zoom sessions will allow members a chance to help one another hone skills and improve their images.

What We're Doing Differently

You can also expect several changes this season.

The first change is that we're planning on holding almost all sessions this season in person and simultaneously on Zoom. We feel getting together in-person significantly improves our sense of community, but we also understand that some members may prefer to attend remotely for various reasons.

Another fairly major change is that we've decided to skip the Scavenger Hunt this year since having it so close on the heels of the Multi-Club competition seemed overwhelming.

Speaking of Multi-Club, to attempt to be more competitive as the smallest club in the competition, we've decided to allow members to submit two photos in every category instead of just one. Also, to be competitive, we need every club member to participate. Check the Multi-Club page for categories and please start shooting.

Another competition-related change involves the Nature Competition, our traditional first competition of each season. Instead of having wildlife and non-wildlife photos judged together, we're going to try breaking up the competition into three categories: Wildlife, Landscape and Natural Details, and Open. The Nature Competition webpage explains all the details.

For new members, or any member that needs extra help, we're adding a how-to session called NCC: How to Participate. This will cover the nitty gritty of entering competitions, mini-shows, critiques, etc. Registration is required for this session.

The final change involves our two social events - the holiday gathering and the end-of-season celebration. This season, both events will involve potluck snacks plus physical image sharing. The holiday event will be "open" in terms of what you can share. The end-of-season celebration will focus on sharing photography projects.

Please Volunteer

The Newton Camera Club is entirely volunteer led. Particularly as we return to in-person meetings, we'll require additional help. We will shortly publish a list of the volunteer help we most need now. Please consider volunteering! It's a great way to get to know your fellow club members and help set the direction for the club going forward.

Nicole Mordecai

Incoming NCC President

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