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About Membership

Membership in the Newton Camera Club is open to all, not just residents of Newton. You are welcome to attend our meetings without being a member. However, we ask that regular attendees do pay membership to help support our programming. Membership dues of $40 cover the September-May Program Year and are required for members wishing to take part in competitions and shows. Family memberships, at $60, are available for people with the same domicile. New members’ dues paid in March, April, or May provide membership for the rest of the current season as well as all of next season.


Our membership coordinator is Bruce Horwitz. If you have questions about membership, or anything else, really, you can write, or ask Bruce at most meetings.


Dues may be paid online using the button to the right or by mail (check only). Please make checks out to “Newton Camera Club" and mail to:


Newton Camera Club
c/o Bruce Horwitz
76 Judith Rd
Newton, MA 02459




How to Join

  1. Fill in and submit the New Member Form using the button below.​

  2. Pay dues by credit card link at end of New Member Form (preferred) OR mail a check ($40/individual, $60/domicile) to the address shown to the left.

  3. Although our membership year runs from September through May, new members who join after March 1st will have their membership include all of the next membership year.





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