Emily Belz

Eleni Carr
2022 Mini-Show for Multi-Club
April 11, 2022
11:30 PM
Submission Deadline:
Mar 28, 2022
Remote Meeting (See Instructions)
This mini-show is in preparation for the Newton Camera Club's participation in the Multi-Club Competition. Each member may submit one image in each of the 8 competition categories taken after April 1, 2021:
All in a Row
Human Emotion
Illustration & Graphic Design
In Flight
Local Fauna
Performers & Performances
Through the Window
Urban Decay
No judging will be done during the mini-show. Instead, members will be encouraged to discuss the images, highlighting the strengths and weakness of each photo.
After the mini-show, a panel made up of Newton Camera Club members experienced with Multi-Club competitions, will select a regular and an advanced image from each category to submit to the Multi-Club Competition. The decision will be, at least in part, informed by the discussion during the mini-show.
Carefullly review the Guidelines below for information on how to submit images to the mini show. If you have any questions, we're happy to assist, but please contact us sooner rather than later to avoid a last minute crisis.
You must be a paid member to participate. Please pay your dues if you have not already done so.
Here are the submission requirements for participating in the mini show.
Number of Images
You may submit up to 8 images, one in each of the 8 Multi-Club categories listed above. You are not required to submit an image for all 8 categories. You can only submit a single image per category.
Images must be taken after April 1, 2021.
Naming Convention
For example: Abstract_nym_Tree Blur.jpg
Image Size
Images should be jpegs with the longest side set to 1920 pixels.
Submit Via DropBox
Use the button to the right to submit your images. Please log out of your personal DropBox account before uploading.
8 Competition Categories
NOTE: All photos must be created after April 1, 2021.
All in a Row: Your subject can be anything -- plants, animals, people, houses, a line of traffic -- even unidentifiable graphic elements! You name it! This is meant as a challenge in composition and “seeing.”
Human Emotion: Humans are emotional beings. Sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust, trust, anticipation, etc. An image in this category must center around a person's obvious emotion (or multiple people's emotions) to the viewer via facial expression and/or body language.
Illustration and Graphic Design: Imagine you’ve been given an assignment to create the most eye-popping image you can think of based on strong elements of graphic design. The image has to be one that draws the viewer in at first sight. It can be purely documentary if the subject itself is compelling, with strong colors, shadows, shapes or lines, or a carefully composed still life or conceptual set piece. Or, it might involve heavy post-processing, including anything from posterization to solarization to actions and effects, compositing, combinations thereof, and more. Creativity and imagination win here!
In Flight: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's superman! Other things can be found “in flight” as well: a dish from an angry spouse, a baseball from a pitcher's hand, a gymnast mid-air, a falling leaf. An image in this category will capture the subject(s) of the image "in flight."
Local Fauna: This category is for images of any animal (or bird, reptile, and fish). This encompasses wildlife, domestic animals or pets – whatever you can find in YOUR home or backyard, in the farmyard or in OUR backyard of New England, excluding zoo specimens or other animals and exotics that we wouldn’t see here naturally.
Performers and Performances: Performers and performances can make for dynamic photos with great characters. We’re seeking performances and performers from the creative arts, which could include musicians, actors, poets, dancers, jugglers -- anyone who might perform on any kind of stage, whether formal or improvised, or to any audience whether one person or thousands. It is not required that the shot is taken during a live performance, but it should not just be a portrait of someone who happens to be a performer. The nature of their performance should be reflected in the photograph.
Through the Window: This is a broad category. The image can be taken from the outside looking in or from the inside looking out. In any case, the image must show the window – a window frame, a reflection or some other indicator. Glass is not required. Your image can tell a story or evoke an emotion. It can be minimal or maximal.
Urban Decay: Gritty, grungy, grimy! This category is for objects in an urban setting that are worn, in states of aging and decay, but not destroyed. Images can include houses, buildings or parts of, cars and other things showing the effect of time, weathering, rusting or general lack of care. People, plants, nature or animals can be in the image but not as the primary subject. Photos can be in black and white or color.